piątek, 7 maja 2010

2nd International Sick Leave Day

when: 13.05.2010

where: world

Organizers: Multidisciplinary Center of Culture and Arts (MCKA) in Sopot, Poland and C&G Artpatrment, Hong Kong.

2nd International Sick Leave Day

Go to your doctor and take a sick leave for 13th of May. Don’t go to work or school! Go out and make art: high, low, happy, sad, feministic, chauvinistic, dependent, independent, commercial, underground, critic, naïve, postmodernist, classical, any art but ART!

Create with your fingers, legs, whole body, lips, ears, pencil, pen, waterproof and non-waterproof marker, with your finger on the sand, with your foot on the sand, with chalk on the pavement, with ball pen on the margin, in analog or digital way and anyhow you like!

MCKA and C&G Artpartment declare the 13th of May the International Sick Leave Day.

We are waiting for your photos from 13th May, photos of your art and you making the art. Send the photos (up to 10) to our mail: mcka.sopot@gmail.com and we will put it on MCKA’s website and all the photos we get will be exhibited next year on the first exhibition in MCKA.

MCKA will give three prizes for the “sickest” people. It will be a surprise prize and solo exhibition in MCKA as well as presentation of the chosen artists in Hong Kong.

The deadline for submitting the photos is 30.06.2010. Result of the contest will be announced on 15.07.2010 on MCKA website: www.mcka-sopot.blogspot.com and on MCKA’s Facebook profile (search for: Multisycyplinarne Centrum Kulturalno-Artystyczne)

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